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France Home Page



Welcome to the French national EURAXESS portal!


You will find here all the necessary information for mobile researchers, and assistance with the support of our network of services centres. If you are looking for information about entry procedures, social security, legal issues, postdoctoral positions and research jobs, this website is for you!

You will also find the contact details of all the services centres available in France, as well as information related to the entry and residence conditions on the French territory, accommodation and all you need to prepare a successful stay in the hexagon.

EURAXESS FRANCE is a member of the European Commission initiative, gathering more than 600 services centres assisting EU and non-EU researchers in 50 countries.

All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge.







Assistance with administrative procedures

EURAXESS centres offer personalized and free services to researchers and their families. In this video, you will discover how Euraxess centers provide assistance to international researchers on visas and residence permits.



EURAXESS centres offer personalized and free services to researchers and their families. In this video, you will discover how Euraxess centers provide assistance to international researchers in finding accommodation.



Culture of the host country & language courses

EURAXESS centres offer personalized and free services to researchers and their families. In this video, you will discover how Euraxess centers facilitate cultural immersion of international researchers and support them to learn French as a foreign language.



Family support

EURAXESS centres offer personalized and free services to researchers and their families. In this video, you will discover how Euraxess centers provide assistance to foreign researchers and their families.



Health and well-being

EURAXESS centres offer personalised and free services to researchers and their families. In this video, you will discover how Euraxess centers support international researchers to facilitate their integration and well-being.