EURAXESS France network welcomes international researchers
The 50 EURAXESS Centres spread across the whole territory gather around 100 people working daily in their universities to support international researchers arriving in France.
Find your nearest EURAXESS Centre if you need personalized assistance.

The services proposed by the members of the EURAXESS FRANCE network contribute to the scientific attractivity of the country and its influence at the international level.
They offer free and personalized assistance to the international researchers and their families to:
- Prepare their stay: assistance on entry, residence and work procedures (visas, work permits, residency permits...)
- Help them settle in France: assistance in finding accommodation, healthcare coverage, bank account...
- Help them with the daily administrative procedures: registering for social security, family benefits, taxes, pensions...
- Facilitate integration: French language classes, cultural activities, sports, babysitting & children schooling...
More than 120 000 researchers from more than 146 different countries have already benefited from the services of the EURAXESS FRANCE network, regardless of their research field.
Interested in learning more about the EURAXESS France network? Please see the section ABOUT US on this portal.