The European Union, its Member States and Europeans across the continent are mobilised in support of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. We are working on all fronts to support Ukraine with assistance, humanitarian aid and civil protection. This specific initiative wants to support researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels.
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Find useful information in France
Find here all the useful information and contacts for your arrival in France.
Знайдіть тут всю корисну інформацію та контакти для вашого приїзду до Франції.
An emergency financial aid to finance the stay of a Ukrainian researcher, and his/her family if applicable, for a period of three months is proposed to voluntary French institutions. The amount of the financial aid will be a lump sum based on the number of people in the family unit (single person, couple, family).
This emergency hosting in France may allow the researcher to prepare, in connection with a host institution, an application to the PAUSE program according to the regular procedures and criteria of the program, based on co-funding.
The website of the European Research Council, which lists job offers:
European website “science for Ukraine” which compiles all job opportunities for Ukrainian researchers:
There is no automatic EU-wide recognition of academic diplomas.
In France, you can obtain a "statement of comparability" of your university degree, stating how it compares to the diplomas delivered here. To do so, contact the ENIC/NARIC centre in France.