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  • France

Postdoctoral position on modeling reactive transport processes in unsaturated porous media

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30 Sep 2024

Job Information

University of Rennes and Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona)
Research Field
Physics » Applied physics
Geosciences » Hydrology
Environmental science » Earth science
Engineering » Mechanical engineering
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Postdoc Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - ERC
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Background. As part of a new collaboration between the university of Rennes (France) and the IDAEA-CSIC Barcelona (Spain), we are opening a postdoc position on the study of reactive transport processes in multiphase porous media flows. This position is jointly funded by the ERC project Uplift (reference 101115760, funded by the European Union), on upscaling reactive transport in partially saturated porous media and the ANR project Inflow, on fluid-solid reactions in unsaturated porous media. Relevant backgrounds include numerical modelling, transport in porous media, and fluid mechanics.

Scientific project. The unsaturated soil zone, also termed the vadose zone, is of great importance in providing the biosphere with water and nutrients[1]. Hydrologically, it is the main component controlling water flow from the land surface to aquifers[2]. Chemically, it is often regarded as a filter that removes toxic compounds. Hence, fluid flow and chemical reactions in this unsaturated zone control the input of contaminants into groundwater reservoirs, which represent a substantial portion of the Earth’s freshwater supply[3]. A key property of soils is that, in addition to being structurally heterogeneous, they are generally characterized by a heterogeneous proportion of water and air, which induces complex liquid flow paths and contaminant dispersion processes. Recent advances have shown that this leads to transport dynamics that fundamentally differ from those known in saturated porous media[4],[5],[6], including highly heterogeneous velocity fields, fluctuating flow paths, persistent incomplete mixing and broad solute travel time distributions. A key challenge is to understand and model the impact of these transport dynamics on reactive processes. 

We will address this question by developing pore scale numerical models, resolving the distribution of water and air within pores, as well as flow, transport and reaction processes. We will then use recent random walk theories[7],[8],[9] to upscale the corresponding reactive transport processes and establish effective reaction kinetics describing the impact of unsaturated flow dynamics on solid-fluid reactions.  

Conditions. The successful candidate will be hired for two years, possibly extendable, and will be hosted in Rennes (France) for the first year and in Barcelona (Spain) for the second year. Both groups include a large team of PhD students, postdocs, researchers and professors working on porous media processes. She/he will receive a postdoctoral salary in keeping with standard contracts offered in France and Spain.

How to apply?  Please contact Tanguy Le Borgne ( and Tomás Aquino (

[1] Šimůnek, J., Jarvis, NJ., van Genuchten M. Th., Gärdenäs A. J. of Hydrol. 2003, 272, 14–35.

[2] Šimůnek, J., van Genuchten M. Th., Šejna M. Vadose Zone J. 2008, 7, 587–600.

[3] Druhan J., Tournassat C. Reactive Transport in Natural and Engineered Systems. Rev, Mineral. Geochem. 2019, 85, 500.

[4] Jiménez‐Martínez, J., Anna, P. D., Tabuteau, H., Turuban, R., Borgne, T. L., & Méheust, Y. (2015). Geophysical Research Letters, 42(13), 5316-5324.

[5] Jiménez‐Martínez, J., Le Borgne, T., Tabuteau, H., & Méheust, Y. (2017). Water Resources Research, 53(2), 1457-1472.

[6] Velásquez‐Parra, A., Aquino, T., Willmann, M., Méheust, Y., Le Borgne, T., & Jiménez‐Martínez, J. (2022). Geophysical Research Letters, 49(3).

[7] Aquino, T. & Le Borgne, T. (2021). Journal of Fluid Mechanics910, A12.

[8] Aquino, T. & Le Borgne, T. (2021). Advances in Water Resources154, 103981.

[9] Aquino, T., Le Borgne, T., & Heyman, J. (2023). Physical Review Letters130(26), 264001.


Where to apply



Research Field
Physics » Applied physics
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Geosciences » Hydrology
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Environmental science » Earth science
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Engineering » Mechanical engineering
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

We are seeking candidates with a PhD in applied physics/engineering/earth sciences/hydrology with experience in modeling flow and transport processes in porous media.

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
University of Rennes, France and CSIC Barcelona, Spain

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