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  • Romania
  • University Politehnica of Bucharest
  • Posted on: 19 February 2020

Postdoctoral researcher for INTELMAT PCCDI 39/2018 PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0407


Research Field
Professions and applied sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest announces the organization of the competition for the filling of a vacancy of Scientific Researcher corresponding to 1 (one) vacant position POSTDOCTORAND MEMBER (new), with the postdoctoral status in the list of persons involved in the project entitled:  Smart materials for medical applications (INTELMAT), no. PCCDI contract 39/2018, PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0407, carried out within the Research Center for Advanced Polymer Materials.


What is funded




he general conditions for participating in the competition, according to the legislation in force, are:

a) has Romanian citizenship, citizenship of other Member States of the European Union or of the states belonging to the European Economic Area and domiciled in Romania;

b) knows the Romanian language, written and spoken;

c) has the minimum age regulated by the legal provisions;

d) has full exercise capacity;

e) has a health status corresponding to the position for which he / she is applying, attested on the basis of the medical certificate issued by the family doctor or the authorized health units;

f) it fulfills the conditions of studies and, as the case may be, of seniority or other specific conditions that according to the requirements of the job put out to the competition;

g) has not been definitively convicted for committing an offense against humanity, against the state or against the authority, of service or in connection with the service, which prevents the execution of justice, falsification or other acts of corruption or a crime committed intentionally, which it would make it incompatible with the exercise of the function, except when the rehabilitation took place.


The documents required to register are:

a) application for registration to the competition addressed to the Rector of UPB;

b) a copy of the identity document or any other document attesting the identity, according to the law, as the case may be;

c) copies of documents attesting the level of studies (baccalaureate, bachelor, master);

d) the workbook or, as the case may be, the certificates attesting the seniority in the work, in copy;

e) the legal record or a statement on his own responsibility that he has no criminal record which would make him incompatible with the position for which he is applying;

f) medical certificate attesting the corresponding health status issued no later than 6 months before the contest is carried out by the candidate's family doctor or by the authorized health units;

g) curriculum vitae.

The registration form for the competition is submitted at the UPB-Research Center for Advanced Polymer Materials from Gheorghe Polizu str., No. 1-7, body A, sector 1, postal code 011061, Bucharest, room A034, Dr. Iuliana Biru, phone 0727.127.035.

The specific conditions for participating in the competition are, as specified in the job description:

a) the level of studies: doctoral studies graduated with a doctoral diploma.

b) specializations: -

c) seniority in work: -

d) other competencies: punctuality, initiative, organizational spirit, communication skills, the ability to work with documents, the ability to work with people,

e) other conditions: PC operating knowledge: Word, Excel, internet.

The competition tests consist of:

1. Written test

2. Interview


a) C. D. Nenițescu - Organic Chemistry, vol. I, II, 1980;

b) C. Cincu, H. Iovu, C. Zaharia, A. Diacon - Polymeric biomaterials and biomedical applications, Polytechnic Publishing Press, 2009;

c) H. Iovu, I. Călinescu, D. Martin - Polymeric materials. New synthesis processes and applications, Printesh Publishing House, 1998;

d) G. Hubcă - Applied Polymer Chemistry, vol. I, II, Signs Publishing House, 2012.

Themes established on the basis of the bibliography:

a) (bio) polymeric materials, composite material and nanomaterials;

b) Physio-chemical properties of (bio) polymeric materials, nanomaterials and composite materials;

c) Thermal behavior of (bio) polymeric materials, composite material;

d) Methods of synthesis-obtaining of (bio) polymeric materials, nanomaterials for biomedical applications;

e) Classification of the methods of characterization of (bio) polymeric materials.

The dates of the competition tests:

18.02-25.02.2020 16.00 - submission of the registration file for the contest;

26.02-27.02.2020 - file selection

28.02.2020 4pm - results display - file selection

02.03.2020 16.00 - challenge - file selection

03.03.2020 16.00 - solving disputes and displaying the result of the selection of files

04.03.2020 hours 16.00 -18.00 supporting written test Room A033 (local Polizu)

05.03.2020 12.00 - displaying results at the written test

06.03.2020 16.00 - contest written test

09.03.2020 16.00 - solving and displaying the result of written test contestations

10.03.2020 hours 15.00-16.00 - interview support Hall A033 (local Polizu)

11.03.2020 16.00 - display of interview result

12.03.2020 16.00 - contest interview

13.03.2020 16.00 - solving and displaying the result of the interview test contestations

16.03.2020 16.00 display final results.



Organisation name
University Politehnica of Bucharest
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